Attorney Solak is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and received his law degree from Marshall-Wythe Law School at the College of William & Mary. He maintains a regular schedule of Continuing Legal Education courses in order to keep his knowledge current with the ever-changing aspects of the law.
For his traffic defense practice, he has recently completed seminars in Medical Issues in DUI cases presented by the Maryland Criminal Defense Lawyers Association in Baltimore, and Advanced Dui Defense law presented by the Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys at Columbus, Ohio.
Mr. Solak successfully completed an approved training course as an Evidentiary Breath Alcohol Technician and is qualified to perform screening and evidentiary testing for breath alcohol levels. He has also passed the exam to be certified as an NHTSA/IACP Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Practitioner after a course of study in Atlanta, Georgia.
More recently, Mr. Solak successfully completed a week-long “Forensic Blood and Urine Analysis Course” presented by world leaders in the field of forensic science, including Dr. A.W. Jones of Linkoping, Sweden, conducted in Atlanta, Georgia. After successfully passing the rigorous proficiency exam given at the end of this course, he is now listed among a select group of attorneys who have completed this national forensic course.
Recognizing the Importance of Forensic Science Issues involving DUI & Criminal Defense, Mr. Solak has attended several 40-hour laboratory classes presented through the American Chemical Society in the areas of Gas Chromatography, Forensic Chromatography, Forensic Drug Analysis, Liquid Chromoatrogrhpy and Mass Spectrometry. The analytical chemistry section of the Department of Forensic Science (Virginia Crime Lab) analyzes DUI blood samples, drug and other forensic samples by the method of gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry.